The Kinks, The ‘N’ Betweens (formerly Slade), Herman’s Hermits


Pearl Palin was skilled at attracting some major names to play her dancehall, none more so than The Kinks, who played on the day they went to number one in 1964 with ‘You Really Got Me’.





01-OctSatAston Jones Concordians with Houston Five Skiffle Group.
01-DecSatAshton Jones Concordians


01-DecSatNorman Mindenhall Band


01-AplSatFabulous ‘Hi-Fi’ Rock Group/Ashton Jones Orchestra
08-AprSatThe Teenbeats
00-JanSatVince Beresford & The Cheaters
22-AprSatPete Beaumont Quintet & The Teenbeats
00-JanSatThe Thunderbeats & Juanita & His Cha-Cha’s.
10-JunSatToledoes Rock Group (Bdfd) & Blue Rhythm Boys
09-SatThe Blue Rhythm Boys & Starlight Rock Group (Bradford)
24-JunSatVince Beresford & The Cheaters
01-JulSatBlue Rhythm Boys.
29-JulSatTeenbeats & Blue Rhythm Boys.
01-AugSatTeenbeats & Blue Rhythm Boys.
12-AugSatThunderbeats & Blue Rhythm Boys
19-AugSatThe Avengers (form. Teenbeats) & The Cheetahs
26-AugSatThe Avengers & Blue Rhythm Boys.
02-SepSatThe Avengers & Blue Rhythm Boys.
09-SepSatThe Tuxedoes & The Blue Rhythm Boys
11-SepMonCarnival Dance
16-SepSatThree Bands!
23-SepSatThe Dingos (Bradford)
30-SepSatBlue Rhythm Boys & Silver Knights Rock Group.
07-OctSatThe Avengers & Blue Rhythm Boys.
14-OctSatBrad & The Strangers & The Blue Rhythm Boys.
21-OctSatThe Sommerville Five & The Blue Rhythm Boys
28-OctSatThe Avengers & Blue Rhythm Boys.
04-NovSatThe Sommerville Five.
11-NovSatThe Toladoes
18-NovSatBrad & The Strangers.
25-NovSatThe Avengers & Blue Rhythm Boys.
02-DecSatThe Tuxedoes
09-DecSatThe Avengers
16-DecSatThe Strangers
26-DecTueThe Avengers & Blue Rhythm Boys.





07-JanSatNick James & The Four Cents & The Beat Squad
21-JanSatJimmy Crawford & The Ravens.
28-JanSatNelson Keene/Toledos/Blue Rhythm Boys
03-FebSatThe Hunters with Gary Lane
10-FebSatTerry Young & The Young Stars
17-FebSatSandra & The Boyfriends
24-FebSatThe Echoes & The Blue Rhythm Boys
03-MarSatMike Sagar and The Cresters
10-MarSatVince Eager & The Toledos
17-MarSatDanny Davis & His Own Group
24-MarSatJimmy Ritchie & The Condors
31-MarSatMike Dee & The Jay Walkers
07-AprSatThe Beat Squad
21-AprSatThe Vikings Rock Group
28-AprSatJohnnie Gentle & Denny and The Witchdoctors
05-MaySatTroy Prefect & The Scholars
12-MaySatEddie King and The Chequers
19-MaySatSandra & The Boyfriends
26-MaySatRolly Daniels & The Tuxedos
02-JunSatBob Adams & The Echoes
09-JunSatLee Walker & The Travellers
11-JunMonThe Satellites
16-JunSatSteve & The Martells
23-JunSatBarry Corbett & The Mustangs
30-JunSatThe Montrose Twisters
07-JulSatBobby Day & The Starlighters
14-JulSatClosed – Wakes Week
21-JulSatTerry Danios & The Roulettes (with Vicky & Maureen)
28-JulSatThe Barons
04-AugSatMark Severn & The Jaguars
11-AugSatDenny & The Witchdoctors
18-AugSatEric Lee & The Four Aces
25-AugSatVince Wayne & The Falcons
01-SepSatTony & The Thunderbirds
08-SepSatDenny & The Witchdoctors
10-SepMonCarnival Dance with The Young Ones
15-SepSatBarry Corbett & The Mustangs
19-SepWedThe Ravers
22-SepSatSandra & The Boyfriends
29-SepSatBilly Twilight & The Silhouttes
03-SepWedThe Downbeats
06-OctSatThe Jerry Crisman Four
10-OctWedThe Beat Squad
13-OctSatIvan Jay with Roy Cooper & The Jaycats
20-OctSatScott Madison and The Rangers
27-OctSatDave Berry and the Dicers
31-OctWedRicky Fenton and The Apaches
02-OctFriTony and The Travellers
03-NovSatMike Sagar and The Cresters
10-NovSatBarry Corbett & The Mustangs
17-NovSatBrent Wade and The Wanderers
24-NovSatThe Jaybirds
28-NovWedBobby Day & The Starlighters
01-DecSatCris Ryan and The Strangers
05-DecWedThe Beat Squad
08-DecSatBarry Corbett & The Mustangs
15-DecSatIvan Jay and The Jaycaps
22-DecSatJohnny Dean and The Cresters
26-DecWedEric Lee & The Four Aces
31-DecMonNew Years Eve Carnival Dance with The Toledos





05-JanSatBarry Corbett and The Mustangs
12-JanSatBrett Wade and The Wanderers
19-JanSatEric Lees and The Four Aces
26-JanSatThe Country Gentlemen
02-FebSatDeek Rivers & The Big Sound
09-FebSatBilly Twilight and the Silhouettes
16-FebSatThe Toledos
23-FebSatEddie King and The Chequers
27-FebWedGary Leven and The Travellers
01-MarFriTroy and The Tramps
09-MarSatMike Cadillac and The Playboys
16-MarSatEric Lees and The Four Aces
23-MarSatBarry Corbett and The Mustangs
30-MarSatJohnny Dean and The Crestas
06-AprSatIvan D. Jnrs.
13-AprSatMal Ryder and The Spirits
15-AprMonEaster Monday Dance-Johnny Peters & The Crestas
19-AprFriThe Tuxedos
20-AprSatWayne Fontana and The Jets
26-AprFriIan Crawford and The Boomerangs
27-AprSatEddie King and The Chequers
03-MayFriDave Berry and The Cruisers
04-MaySatBenny Parker and The Phantoms
08-MayWedJohnny Martin and The Tremors
11-MaySatBarry Corbett and The Mustangs
17-MayFriJackie Hanson and The Tycoons
18-MaySatMike Cadillac and The Playboys
24-MayFriThe Country Gentlemen
25-MaySatJohnny Martin and The Tremors
31-MayFriWayne Fontana and The Jets
01-JunSatDanny Davis and The Maurauders
03-JunMonWhit Monday Carnival Dance – The Nashville Men
07-JunFriPete Maclaine and The Clan
08-JunSatEric Lees and The Four Aces
14-JunFriThe Crusaders
15-JunSatWayne Fontana
28-JunFriJohn & Julie and The Blue Stars
29-JunSatBarry Corbett and The Mustangs
06-JulSatEric Lees and The Four Aces
10-JulWedThe Nashville Men
12-JulFriTony Shane and The Jasons
13-JulSatClosed – Wakes Week Holiday
20-JulSatCarnival Dance
25-JulWedBarry Corbett and The Mustangs
26-JulFriDeek Rivers & The Big Sound
27-JulSat“””Me and Them”””
31-JulWedBenny Parker and The Phantoms
02-AugFriThe Country Gentlemen
09-AugFriBenny Parker and The Phantoms
10-AugSatJohnnie Martin and The tremors
16-AugFriJohnny Peters and The Crestas
17-AugSatSheery Lee and The Secrets
24-AugSatBarry Corbett and The Mustangs
30-AugFriJimmy Carr and The Corvetts
31-AugSatLes Magyarz
02-SepFriBarry Corbett and The Mustangs
03-SepSatSandra and The Boyfriends
13-SepFriThe Method
14-SepSatThe Del Renas
16-SepMonThe Young Ones
20-SepFriThe Sabres
21-SepSatEddie King and The Chequers
25-SepSatMike Cadillac and The Playboys
27-SepFriThe Big Three
28-SepSatDeek Rivers & The Big Sound
04-OctFriIvan D. Jnrs.
05-OctSatBarry Corbett and The Mustangs
11-OctFriChris Ravel and The Ravers
12-OctSatEric Lees and The Four Aces
18-OctFriMike Cadillac and The Playboys
19-OctSatCarl Wayne and the Vikings
25-OctFriFaron’s Flamingoes
01-NovFriDave Lee and The Stagger Lees
02-NovSatDemetrius and The Four Just Men
08-NovFriThe Four Deltas
09-NovSat“””Me and Them”””
15-NovFriDel Rio Four
16-NovSatLarry Avon and The Presidents
22-NovFriThe Mersey Beats
23-NovSatDennis and The Senators
29-NovFriThe Federals
30-NovSatPete Trent and the Travellers
06-DecFriMike Cadillac and The Playboys
07-DecSatFreddy Starr and The Midnighters
13-DecFriThe Incas
14-DecSatThe Clearways
20-DecFriWayne Fontana and The Mindbenders
21-DecSatRay Verne and the Chequers
26-DecThu“””Me and Them”” (Midnight until 3.30am)”
26-DecThuPete Maclaine and The Clan (Evening)
27-DecFriThe Raindrops
28-DecSatLarry Avon and The Presidents
31-DecTueNew Years Eve Carnival Dance – The Chasers





04-JanSatRyles Brothers
10-JanFriThe Secrets
11-JanSatVance Kelly and The Crestas
18-JanSatThe Shondells
25-JanSatThe Stagerlees
01-FebSatTony Lindell and The Sabres
07-FebFriThe Escorts
08-FebSatThe Rats (Hull)
15-FebSatThe Stagerlees
28-FebFriThe Coasters (Manchester)
29-FebSatSammy King and The Voltaires
06-MarFriThe Sheffields
07-MarSatVance Kelly and The Crestas
13-MarFriThe Crestas
14-MarSatPete Trent and The Travellers
27-MarFriGood Friday – Stagerlees
28-MarSatThe Incas
30-MarMonEaster Monday Carnival – Vance Kelly and The Crestas
03-AprFriLorraine Gray and The Chaperons
04-AprSatSonny Child and Elders Consolidated
10-AprFriMike Cadillac and The Playboys
11-AprSatThe Kubas
15-AprWedThe Paramounts
17-AprFriThe Feel Goods
18-AprSatThe Animals
24-AprFriPete Maclean (now with The Four Just Men)
25-AprSatThe Manhattons
01-MayFriKris Ryan and The Questions
02-MaySatVance Kelly and The Crestas
09-MaySatMort Draygen and The Diamonds
23-MaySatShame and The Shame Gang
27-MayWedLee Wayne and The Falcons
29-MayFriThe Escorts
30-MaySatThe Contrasts
05-JunFriThe Beat Boys
06-JunSatThe Incas
12-JunFriVince Everitt and The Black Orchids/Pythagoras Squares
13-JunSatThe Sheffields
27-JunSatThe Kirbys
03-JulFriMike Cadillac and The Playboys
04-JulSatThe Cubas (Liverpool)
11-JulSatClosed – Wakes Week Holidays
18-JunSatMe and Them
25-JulSatDawn and The DJ’s
01-AugSatBenny Parker and The Dynamics
07-AugFriPhil’s Feelgoods
08-AugSatThe Warriors
15-AugSatThe Chancellors
19-AugWedThe Stirlings
21-AugFriHerman’s Hermits
22-AugSatJohnny and Apaches
29-AugSatJohnny Hank and The Crestas
02-SepWedThe Calderbeats
04-SepFriWayne Fontana and Mindbenders
05-SepSatPhil’s Feelgoods
09-SepWedThe Buttons
11-SepFriThe Kinks
12-SepSatMe and Them
18-SepFriThe Escorts
19-SepSatThe Drastics
26-SepSatThe Prestons
03-OctSatThe Warriors
10-OctSatThe Pagans
16-OctFriBenny Parker and The Dynamics
17-OctSatThe Stylos
24-OctSatTony Lindell and The Sabres
28-OctWedThe Cheats
01-NovSatKris Ryan and The Questions
06-NovFriPeter and The Wolves
07-NovSatThe Buttons
13-NovFriThe Stylos
14-NovSatEric Lee and The Crestas
20-NovFriBenny Parker and The Dynamics
21-NovSatThe Stylos
27-NovFriThe Penguins
28-NovSatDeek Arlon and The Offbeats
09-DecWedThe Misfits
11-DecFriCarol Kay and The Dynscords
12-DecSatDawn and The DJ’s
18-DecFriThe Stylos
19-DecSatThe Travellers
24-DecSatThe Cheats
26-DecMonThe Stylos and The Misfits (am)
26-DecMonThe Gay Dogs
31-DecThurThe Chancellors





01-JanFriDr. Pill and The Purple Hearts
02-JanSatDawn and The DJ’s
08-JanFriThe Naturals
09-JanSatDave Lincoln and The Senators
15-JanFriShane and The Shane Gang
16-JanSatThe Staggerlees
22-JanFriEric Lee and The Crestas
23-JanSatThe Wayfarers
29-JanFriThe Mutineers
30-JanSatThe Cheats
05-FebFriMike Sagar and Jinks
06-FebSatThe Pagans
12-FebFriDino and The Travellers
13-FebSatValentine Carnival Dance – The Crestas
17-FebWedThe Yolkes
19-FebFriDr. Pill and The Purple Hearts
20-FebSatBeat Preachers
26-FebFriThe Toggery Five
27-FebSatThe Mocking Birds
05-MarFriShane and The Shane Gang
06-MarSatDawn and The DJ’s
12-MarFriThe Mutineers
13-MarSatJohnny Peters and The Crestas
17-MarWedThe Quare Fellas
19-MarFriThe Peppers
20-MarSatThe Stylos
26-MarFriDino and The Travellers
27-MarSatDr. Pill and The Purple Hearts
02-AprFriThe Mutineers
03-AprSatThe Litter
09-AprFriThe Quare Fellas
10-AprSatThe Stylos
16-AprFriThe Peppers
17-AprSatThe Wayfarers
19-AprMonThe Quare Fellas
23-AprFriDr. Pill and The Purple Hearts
24-AprSatDawn and The DJ’s
30-AprFriThe Mutineers
01-MaySatEric Lee and The Crestas
05-MayWedThe Quare Fellas
07-MayFriThe Peppers
08-MaySatThe Staggerlees
14-MayFriThe Junco Partners
15-MaySatFitz N Starts
22-MaySatThe Stylos
28-MayFriThe Mutineers
29-MaySatThe Paramounts
04-JunFriThe Travellers
05-JunSatThe Sheffields
07-JunMonWhit Monday Carnival – The Spidermen
12-JunSatThe Escorts
18-JunFriThe Quare Fellas
19-JunSatGerry Byrnes and The Invaders
25-JunFriThe Mutineers
26-JunSatThe Stylos
03-JulSatThe Quiet Five
09-JulFriThe Misfits
10-JulSatClosed – Wakes Week
17-JulSatThe Pagans
23-JulFriThe Mutineers
24-JulSatThe Wayfarers
30-JulFriThe Quare Fellas
31-JulSat“Danny Davis, Ricky Forde and The Tennesseans”
06-AugFriTom’s Rigg
07-AugSatThe Stylos
13-AugFriThe Toreadors
14-AugSatThe Raging Storms
20-AugFriThe Estelles
21-AugSatThe Litter
27-AugFriThe Deltas
28-AugSat“Danny Davis, Ricky Forde and The Tennesseans”
03-SepFriThe Mutineers
04-SepSatThe Escorts
10-SepFriThe Raging Storms
11-SepSatThe Zuider Zee
13-SepMonCarnival Dance – Tom’s Rigg
17-SepFriCurts Creatures
18-SepSatThe Buttons
24-SepFriDr. Pill and The Purple Hearts
25-SepSatThe Stylos
01-OctFriTom’s Rigg
02-OctSatThe Toggery Five
08-OctFriPythagoras Squares
09-OctSatRicky Ford and The Tennesseans
16-OctSatFinders Keepers
22-OctFriDr. Pill and The Purple Hearts
23-OctSatThe Warriors
29-OctFriDavid John and The Mood
30-OctSatThe Lancastrians
05-NovFriThe Mutineers
06-NovSatThe Stylos
12-NovFriThe Peppers
13-NovSatThe Litter
17-NovWedThe V Tones
19-NovFriThe Misfits
20-NovSatKim Dee and The Del 5
26-NovFriIvans Meads
27-NovSatThe Escorts
03-DecFriThe Mutineers
04-DecSatThe Stylos
10-DecFriPythagoras Squares
11-DecSatThe Mocking Birds
18-DecSatThe Misfits
24-DecFriPythagoras Squares
26-DecMonThe Stylos and Ivans Meads (start at Midnight to 3.30am)
26-DecMonThe Escorts (Boxing Day Night)
29-DecWedThe Warriors
31-DecFriNew Years Eve Carnival – Dr. Pill and The Purple Hearts





01-JanSatThe Mutineers
07-JanFriThe Raging Storms
08-JanSatThe Stylos
14-JanFriThe Petals
15-JanSatIvans Meads
21-JanFriPythagoras Squares
22-JanSatFinders Keepers
28-JanFriDoctor Pill and The Purple Hearts
29-JanSatThe Montanas
04-FebFriThe Mutineers
05-FebSatThe Staggerlees
11-FebFriPythagoras Squares
12-FebSatThe Stylos
18-FebFriIvans Meads
19-FebSatThe Chosen Few
25-FebFriThe Petals
26-FebSatThe Cymerons
04-MarFriThe Chicago Line
05-MarSatNeil Landon
11-MarFriIvans Meads
12-MarSatThe Montanas
18-MarFriPythagoras Squares
19-MarSatFinders Keepers
25-MarFriThe Mutineers
26-MarSatThe Stylos
01-AprFriThe Children
08-AprFriThe Chicago Line
09-AprSatThe Raging Storms
11-AprMonEaster Monday Carnival Dance – Pythagoras Squares
15-AprFriThe Peppers
16-AprSatThe Toggery Five
22-AprFriIvans Meads
23-AprSatThe Stylos
29-AprFriThe Mutineers
30-AprSatThe Mocking Birds
06-MayFriThe Petals
07-MaySatThe Montanas
13-MayFriWho’s Who
14-MaySatThe Kodiaks
18-MayWedThe Crusaders
20-MayFriThe Petals
21-MaySatIvans Meads
25-MayWedThe Sinners
27-MayFriThe Children
28-MaySatThe Zuider Zee
29-MayMonWhit Monday Carnival Dance – The Style
30-MayTueThe Crusaders
03-JunFriThe Paramounts
04-JunSatThe Stylos
08-JunWedThe Peppers
10-JunFriPythagoras Squares
17-JunFriThe Mutineers
18-JunSatThe Knack
24-JunFriThe Fender Men
25-JunSatIvans Meads
29-JunWedRichard Kent Style
01-JulFriThe ‘T’ Set
02-JulSatThe Cymerons
09-JulSatClosed – Wakes Week
16-JulSatFinders Keepers
22-JulFriThe Peppers
23-JulSatIvans Meads
29-JulFriThe Mutineers
30-JulSatThe Montanas
04-AugFriThe Kodiaks
05-AugSatStudio Six (Scotland)
12-AugFriRichard Kent Style
13-AugSatThe Cymerons
17-AugWedThe Misfits
19-AugFriThe Tony Merrick Scene
20-AugSatIvans Meads
26-AugFriThe Sinners
27-AugSatThe Factotums
31-AugWedThe ‘T’ Set
02-SepFriThe Fender Men
03-SepSatThe Knack
07-SepWedThe Sinners
09-SepFriThe Kodiaks
10-SepSatThe Cymerons
12-SepMonCarnival Dance – The Richard Kent Style
16-SepFriThe Dimples
17-SepSatThe Writ
23-SepFriThe Sinners
24-SepSatIvans Meads
30-SepFriThe Dimples
01-OctSatThe Measles
07-OctFriThe Black Abbotts
08-OctSatThe Cymerons
14-OctFriRichard Kent Style
15-OctSatThe Writ
21-OctFriThe Magic Lanterns
22-OctSatThe Knack
28-OctFriThe Dimples
29-OctSatIvans Meads
04-NovFriThe Factotums
05-NovSatThe Incrowd (From London)
11-NovFriThe Fender Men
12-NovSatThe Abject Blues
18-NovFriThe Chuckles
19-NovSatThe Montanas
24-NovWedPythagoras Squares
25-NovFriThe Style
26-NovSatThe Cymerons
02-DecFriThe Dimples
03-DecSatRichard Kent Style
09-DecFriThe Sinners
10-DecSatThe Silverstone Set
17-DecSatThe Chuckles
23-DecFriThe Sinners
24-DecSatThe Rainmakers -and- Pythagoras Squares
26-DecMonThe Dimples -and- The Sinners (Midnight – 3.30am)
26-DecMonRichard Kent Style
28-DecWedWimple Witch
30-DecFriEric Haydock’s Rockhouse
31-DecSatThe Silverstone Set





06-JanFriThe In Crown
07-JanSatThe Factotums
13-JanFriThe Fendermen
14-JanSatThe Cymerons
18-JanWedWimple Winch
20-JanFriThe Meads
21-JanSatRichard Kent Style
27-JanFriThe Impact
28-JanSatThe Silverstone Set
02-FebFriThe Dimples
03-FebSatThe Chuckles
10-FebFriThe Rainmakers
11-FebSatThe Factotums
15-FebWedThe Fendermen
16-FebFriHaydocks Rockhouse
17-FebSatRichard Kent Style
22-FebWedThe ‘T’ Set
24-FebFriGary Burns and The Invaders
25-FebSatThe Silverstone Set
03-MarFriThe Raging Storms
04-MarSatThe Cymerons
10-MarFriThe Cheshire Set
11-MarSatThe Kids
17-MarFriVictor Bronx Blue Train
18-MarSatPhil Ryan and The Scorpians
24-MarFriThe Big City Jump Band
25-MarSatHaydocks Rockhouse
27-MarMonEaster Monday Carnival Dance – The Dimples
07-AprFriThe Meads
08-AprSatThe Chuckles
14-AprFriThe Big City Jump Band
15-AprSatRichard Kent Style
19-AprWedAshley Kay Group
21-AprFriWinston’s Fumbs (Jimmy Winston ex-Small Faces)
22-AprSatHaydocks Rockhouse
26-AprWedInner Circle
28-AprFriThe Escorts
29-AprSatThe Dimples
05-MayFriThe Fix
06-MaySatThe Silverstone Set
10-MayWedThe Raging Storms
12-MayFriThe Soulmates
13-MaySatRichard Kent Style
20-MayWedDawn Breakers
22-MayFriMaking Sounds
23-MaySatThe Iveys
26-MayFriThe Fendermen
27-MaySatThe Californians
29-MayMonCarnival Dance – Harvey’s Team
02-JunFriThe Big City Jump Band
03-JunSatPhil Ryan and The Scorpians
09-JunFriThe Dimples
10-JunSatThe Silverstone Set
16-JunFriHaydocks Rockhouse
17-JunSatThe Big City Jump Band
23-JunFriThe Inner Mind
24-JunSatThe Fix
28-JunWedThe Fendermen
30-JunFriRichard Kent Style
01-JulSatHaydocks Rockhouse
07-JulFriThe Inner Mind
08-JulSatClosed – Wakes Week
15-JulSatThe Silverstone Set
21-JulFriG.G. Morris and The Reaction
22-JulSatThe Iveys
28-JulFriThe Fix
29-JulSatThe Scorpians
02-AugWedMamas Little Children
04-AugFriLife ‘n’ Soul
05-AugSatRichard Kent Style
09-AugWedThe End
11-AugFriThe Impact
12-AugSatThe Dimples
16-AugWedSeptimus Spider
18-AugFriEllison’s Hog Line
19-AugSatThe Silverstone Set
23-AugWedRandy Dandy Band
25-AugFriThe Puzzle -and- Life ‘n’ Soul
26-AugSatSix Across
30-AugWedInner Mind
01-SepFriThe Lovin’
02-SepSatThe Chuckles
06-SepWedEllison’s Hog Line
09-SepFriThe Big City Soul Band
10-SepSatThe John Smith Affair
12-SepMonTiny Davis A Go-Go Show
15-SepFriThe Inner Mind
16-SepSatThe Dimples
22-SepFriEllison’s Hog Line
23-SepSatThe Life ‘N’ Soul
29-SepFriClockwork Orange
30-SepSatThe Silverstone Set
07-OctFriThe Randy Dandy Band
08-OctSatThe Scorpians
13-OctFriThe Lovin’
14-OctSatRoger Bloom’s Hammer
20-OctFriThe Big City Soul Band
21-OctSatThe Peighton Checks
25-OctWedThe Sponge
27-OctFriSeptimus Spider
28-OctSatThe Dimples
03-NovFriEllison’s Hog Line
04-NovSatThe Silverstone Set
10-NovFriThe New Midnite Train
11-NovSatThe Roll Movement
17-NovFriNo Record
18-NovSatRichard Kent Style
24-NovFriThe Exits
25-NovSatThe Scorpians
01-DecFriRichard G. Simpson Band
02-DecSatLife ‘N’ Soul
08-DecFriThe Midnight Train
09-DecSatWellington Kitch and The Cedar Set
15-DecFriThe Soul Sect
16-DecSatThe Sponge
22-DecFriThe Big City Soul Band
23-DecSatEllison’s Hog Line
26-DecTueLife ‘N’ Soul (Midnight – 3.30am)
26-DecTueThe Silverstone Set
29-DecFriSons and Lovers
30-DecSatNew Year Carnival Dance – The Dimples
05-JanFriThe Randy Dandy Band





06-JanSatMandy’s Movement
12-JanFriThe Inner Mind
13-JanSatKirk James and Studio One
19-JanFriThe Exits
20-JanSatThe Life ‘N’ Soul
26-JanFriTravellers Express
27-JanSatThe Silverstone Set
02-FebFriThe Big City Soul Band
03-FebSatThe Scorpians
09-FebFriThe Stroll Band
10-FebSatValentines Carnival Dance – Sons and Lovers
16-FebFriThe Soul Sect
17-FebSatThe Exits
23-FebFriCecil Gee
24-FebSatThe Sponge
01-MarFriThe Cast
02-MarSatThe Life ‘N’ Soul
08-MarFriSons and Lovers
09-MarSatMandy’s Movement
15-MarFriThe Midnight Train
16-MarSatThe Silverstone Set
22-MarFriThe Parchment People
23-MarSatBuster Somers Express
29-MarFriThe Soul Sect
30-MarSatThe Peets
06-AprFriThe Technique
07-AprSatThe Reg James Explosion
12-AprFriThe Inner Mind
13-AprSatThe ‘N’ Betweens
15-AprMonThe Sponge
19-AprFriThe Times
20-AprSatSons and Lovers
26-AprFriEddisons Phonograph
27-AprSatThe Reg James Explosion
04-MaySatSix Across
10-MayFriThe Rogues
11-MaySatMr Hip Soul Band
17-MayFriThe Midnight Train
18-MaySatThe Technique
24-MayFriThe Inner Mind
25-MaySatThe Rebel Rousers
31-MayFriBlind Date
01-JunSatThe Sponge
03-JunMonThe Rogues
07-JunFriThe Famous Watson Browne’s Band
08-JunSatThe Elastic Band
14-JunFriThe Technique
21-JunFriLeft Hand Drive
22-JunSatThe Chuckles
28-JunFriThe Kondors
06-JulSatMandy’s Movement
13-JulSatClosed- Wakes Week
20-JulSatThe Chuckles
27-JulSatTodd Miller and the Prowlers
03-AugSatPesky Gee
17-AugSatLife ‘N’ Soul
24-AugSatSoul Stax
31-AugSatThe Scene
07-SepSatThe Stroll Band
14-SepSatLife ‘N’ Soul
16-SepMonRhubarb Tree
21-SepSatThe Worrying Kind
27-SepFriWhisky Martin
28-SepSatEddisons Phonograph
05-OctSatThe Detroit Soul Band
12-OctSatThe Elastic Band
18-OctFriWellington Kitch
19-OctSatLife ‘N’ Soul
26-OctSatThe Soul Sect
02-NovSatArt Nouveau
09-NovSatKlik Toc
16-NovSatThe Rogues
23-NovSatSpringfield Park
30-NovSatStevies Fix
07-DecSatGerrards Own
14-DecSatThe Psychic
21-DecSatThe Atlantics
24-DecTueThe Soul Sect
26-DecThurLife ‘N’ Soul (Midnight – 3.30am)
28-DecSatSweet Marriage
31-DecTueThe Stroll Band





04-JanSatArt Nouveau
11-JanSatThe Phoenix City Smash
18-JanSatThe Elizabethans
25-JanSatWays ‘N’ Means
01-FebSatStevies Fix
08-FebSatGerrards Own
15-FebSatThe Rumble Fat Band
22-FebSatThe Licorice Fix
01-MarSatThe Sad Soul
08-MarSatThe Psychic
15-MarSatThe Phoenix City Smash
22-MarSatHigh Society
29-MarSatSoul Staxx
05-AprSatGerrards Own
12-AprSatSoul Sect
19-AprSatThe Sad Soul
26-AprSatThe Licorice Fix
03-MaySatThe Licorice Fix
10-MaySatArt Nouveau
17-MaySatRouges Gallery
24-MaySatIan Bell and The Eden Rock
31-MaySatKandy Carnival
04-JunWedDisco – John Dee (A DRM Discotheque)
06-JunFriInner Mind
07-JunSatThe Toy Shop
21-JunSatThe Elizabethans
28-JunSatSkin Deep
05-JulSatThe Sad Soul
07-JulMonDRM DJ King Arthur
09-JulWedDisco – John Dee (A DRM Discotheque)
12-JulSatClosed – Wakes Week
26-JulSatDusty (with 2 Go-Go Girls)
02-AugSatSeventh Dawn
09-AugSatThe Tree – Carnival Dance
16-AugSatThe Tree

This was the final Pearl Palin dance at The Princess Ballroom

08-SepMonRe-Opened ‘Under New Management’
27-SepSatFlamingo Club & Discotheque Opens
19-DecFri“Last Advert of the decade, for disco dances at Princess “